Check our Calendar to see when Andrew is doing Train the Trainer Courses and Sign Up today!

The purpose of the “Train the Trainer” Course is not for teaching dogs, but for teaching trainers how to train Nosework to other people and their dogs.  Whether you are interested in Nosework activities for your dog but don’t know how to get started, train working detection K-9’s, or are looking to add Nosework to your business, this is the course for you.  Andrew’s system for training Nosework is both simple and highly effective. It blends concepts from the Military Working Dog Program with the use of a Clicker or verbal mark, reward based training and cooperative play, to form a very clear and effective communication system that avoids many of the pitfalls of traditional programs. These courses explain how to engage your dog in the game of searching for a target odor and will teach the handler how to motivate, handle, read and reward your dog in order to build a strong working partnership as well as a Focused Response. These courses are suitable for all levels of trainers, would-be trainers and virtually all dogs. The course is broken into two sections, and the first is a prerequisite for the second.

Section 1:
Some of the information covered in Section 1 includes:

  • Proper use of a Clicker or Verbal Marker in Scent Work
  • Equipment you will need to set up the ideal Ramsey Training Lab
  • Selecting your dogs “motivator,” and methods to maximize their desire to work and search through interactive play
  • The concept of “Reward from Source” to create a “Focused Response” for the dog’s indication
  • Proper handling skills
  • How to read dogs and recognize “change of behavior” in relation to Odor Recognition
  • How to properly reward your dog and provide them with an interactive “Mini-Event”
  • The knowledge that will allow you to know how, when and how greatly to increase difficulty in your searches as training progresses
  • $950

Section 2:
Some of the information in this section includes:

  • Introducing additional “Target Odors”
  • Incorporating novel search areas and more complex hides
  • Problem solving and trouble shooting common issues like False Responses, Fringe Responses, Aggressive Responses, dogs leaving odor and dogs that are reliant on handle cues
  • How to properly handle distractions in the search area
  • $950

Each Section is 5 days in length and is $950